Very Fine Dance Shoes Order




Ready to take your dancing to a new level? Getting a pair of authentic dance shoes is important to your craft! As a proud distributor for Very Fine Dance Shoes, we’re happy to help you get a pair of shoes that meets your needs.

To Order:

  1. Please visit to review your shoe options.
  2. Once you find a pair you like, please review the products options (full product name, heel size, size, width, etc.) and select your choices. Then, record that required information for the shoe in the box below. EXAMPLE: SERA1605 Gold Leather & Flesh Mesh, 2.5 inch heel, size 6.5.
  3. All shoes are $80 and will be shipped to Latin Expressions. We’ll let you know as soon as they arrive!

Questions? Not sure what you need? We’re happy to assist on your next visit to the studio!